
Elena Zhavoronskaya

Musician & Digital Atrist

About me

I'm a musician and a digital artist based in Porto, Portugal. I specialize in and truly enjoy creating conceptual experimental electronic, cross-genre sound (field recording, jazz, ambient, etc.) and digital arts. I'm always open to learning new things and experiment.


You can contact me via:

zhavoronskaya.public@gmail.com telegram instagram


You can find my detailed discography on Discogs, Bandcamp and Soundcloud.

My music works has been released on various labels with the help of many beautiful people.

Also I had a plasure to play live on some events:


Currently I'm learning and exploring various digital art techniques powered by mostly web technologies like WebGL, GLSL, Three.js, etc. You can explore source code of the scenes I've made on Github repository.

Here are small list of technologies / libraries / frameworks which I'm currently using and constanly improving my skills at those:

WebGL GLSL Three.js React @react-three/fiber @react-three/drei Next.js C++

Also I'm comfortable working with this software:

Blender VS Code Visual Studio Photoshop XCode


National Research Nuclear University MEPHI Moscow, Russia

  • Jul 2015 Bachelor of Science in Human and Environmental Safety
  • Jul 2017 Masters in Human and Environmental Safety